Play the hand you were dealt
Our greatest strengths are the source of our greatest weaknesses
Everybody is somebody's weirdo
Everyone has personal blind spots
Everyone agrees that there are four kinds of personalities - they just can't agree what they are
Not recognizing what you don't know is one of the greatest problem with personal effectiveness
It takes all kinds to be an effective team
Emotional responses need to be examined - they usually represent something from our past or a deeply held value
Good fences make good neighbors
Don't say nuthin', if you can't say it nicely
Don't believe your own hype
A sense of worth is a primary instigator of productive and destructive behavior
Nobody is perfect
Don't let the best be the enemy of the good
Don't assume what you think I said was what I said.
The race is not always to the swift, but that’s the way to bet.
We all tend to jump onto things which support our presuppositions. Confirmation bias.
Love and reconciliation are not the same thing.
Humans adapt to new circumstances.
Where you're headed may not be where you're going.
The pain of not changing has to be greater to the pain of changing.
Being an enabler of destructive behavior is worse than not helping.
Beware of the law of unintended consequences.